Capt. Louis Allen, Miami Police Juvenile Aid Bureau: "Not more than 5% of homosexuals are psychotic or potential child molesters ... Parents must face problem. of teen-age boys going out looking for homosexuals, to roll them, or submit for money."

College student Bill Kofoed wrote in MIAMI HERALD of being thrice propositioned in "infamous Bayfront Park." "The second fella who moved over to my seat, a big football player type" got suspicious and Mr. Kofoed, who allowed he was outweighed by 50 pounds, decided to withdraw quickly to a spot closer to uniformed patrolmen.

Man convicted of homosexual offense suddenly withdrew counter charge. against man who'd "led him on" and turned him over to police. Several law officers testified in behalf of Leonard Odom, whom Judge Cecil Curry characterized as "just as guilty" as man he entrapped.


Acting Gov. Charlie Johns (former State Senate head, who succeeded to governorship when popular Dan McCarty died last year, and who lost May primaries to LeRoy Collins who'll take office in January) rumored planning to bounce Sheriff Kelly on charge Kelly permits gambling and perversion in Dade. Miamians seemed to feel this was a cheap political move and that some of the evidence was "slightly doctored."

Bouncing officials is a main feature of Johns' administration-he recently dramatically replaced several top Game Commissioners, while others resigned, charging undue political pressure by Johns (to cancel policies and give business to friends at added cost of $3,000) and "pork-barrel appointments."

Meantime Gov.-Nominee Collins successfully tied up in courts Charlie Johns' pet "bobcat turnpike" project which Collins said would obstruct statelong turnpike. (Cost estimates for "bobcat" mysteriously hiked 43% to $89 million after Johns fired turnpike authority members appointed by McCarty.)

Sept. 9: Johns appointed a young attorney Morey Rayman to "coordinate Miami campaign against perverts." Rayman should be busy-member of Miami boxing commission and Johns also gave him charge of workmen's compensation claims in area.

Rayman urged caution: "Mistake to think Miami has some special responsibility to launch drive against perverts in general. Embarrassing questions asked of law-abiding citizens could give city bad name, and false arrest could lead to expensive court actions."

Charlie Johns seemed concerned with using issue to hit at political opponents. He was pushing a County-Unit Voting proposal for Florida giving each county same voting ratio. By such a system he'd have won the May primaries.

In radio address he complained "Certain newspapers tried to sabotage my program of strict law enforcement by continually publishing false and untrue statements that no gambling and vice existed in certain counties. Apparently they were trying to cover up for some of their pet officials." Also called some papers "tax dodgers."


Despite talk of homosexual crime wave, actual scandals in this hectic period seemed respectably heterosexual (except Simpson's murder and a story imported from New Zealand.)

Samples: Man killed wife; another killed wife's lover; bawdy house raided; San Salvadorean stripper found Courts lenient when she snarled traffic by stripping near highway to skincolored Bikini and going wading; again when she and another woman brawled outside a bar;

Orlando contractor tried for plotting murder of man and two wealthy women; rapist held in secret jail; diving instructor charged with molesting young girl;

Martha Raye and woman bashed with rum bottle by Coral Gables contractor who objected to Miss Raye objecting to his calling waiter "stinky";

17-year-old boy suicide (father's charge of homosexual murder discounted by police) roped at ankles and neck between two trees, nearly nude and with "girlie magazine" clutched in hand. Officials suggest cutting down trees in area.